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Services Offered

Services Offered

Quality Reports with timely, quality laboratory testing and services that help provide improved and dedicated patient health care is PRAGATHI's primary policy. Our Customers include patients, physicians, business associates, hospitals, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Accompanied by PRAGATHI's commitment is the expertise in the fields of Biochemistry, Hematology, Serology, Molecular Biology, Microlbiology, Histopathology and Cytogenetics, services ranging from determining Rh type to Genetic counselling. In addition are provided new launch of laboratory tests by development , validation and verification.

Human pathology has been one of the keystones to medicine and rightly so at PRAGATHI. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine provide state-of-the-art diagnostic and testing services. Listed below are the various Departments of PRAGATHI CRL(Clinical Reference Laboratory) and the various services and techniques, they provide.



Techniques provided

Microscopy : Direct microscopic examinations offered for samples reveal gross pathology. Gram stain, AFB stain, KOH mount, India ink stain offered , giving the treating clinician an idea on suspected organism.

Routine bacteriology and susceptibility testing:

Mycology : Routine fungal cultures: special and selective media which suppress the growth of saprophytes, most pathogenic fungi are recovered from clinical specimens

Yeast and mould Identification : Moulds are identified based on visual morphology, growth temperature, and other characteristics

Mycobacteriology :

Drug susceptibility Testing : M. tuberculosis complex isolates are tested for sensitivity to first-line and second-line drugs with MGIT instrument.

Molecular Biology



Histopathology / Cytopathology